
Implementation for "Unbiased LambdaMART: An Unbiased PairwiseLearning-to-Rank Algorithm", which is based on LightGBM

Primary LanguageC++

Unbiased LambdaMart

Unbiased LambdaMart is a unbiased version of traditional LambdaMart, which can jointly estimate the biases at click positions and the biases at unclick positions, and learn an unbiased ranker using a pairwise loss function.

The repository contains two parts, firstly an implementation of Unbiased LambdaMart based on LightGBM. Secondly a simulated click dataset with its generation scripts for evalution.

You can see our WWW 2019 (know as The Web Conference) paper “Unbiased LambdaMART: An Unbiased PairwiseLearning-to-Rank Algorithm” for more details.


  • Unbiased_LambdaMart:

    An implementation of Unbiased LambdaMart based on LightGBM (https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM). Note that LightGBM contains a wide variety of applications using gradient boosting decision tree algorithms. Our modification is mainly on the src/objective/rank_objective.hpp, which is the LambdaMart Ranking objective file.

  • evaluation:

    contains the synthetic click dataset generated using click models. This part of code is mainly forked from https://github.com/QingyaoAi/Unbiased-Learning-to-Rank-with-Unbiased-Propensity-Estimation. We also add the configs file to run our Unbiased LambdaMart on this synthetic dataset.


First compile the Unbias_LightGBM (Original LightGBM with the implementation of Unbiased LambdaMart)

On Linux LightGBM can be built using CMake and gcc or Clang.

Install CMake.

Run the following commands:

cd Unbias_LightGBM/
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake .. 
make -j4

Note: glibc >= 2.14 is required. After compilation, we will get a "lighgbm" executable file in the folder.


We modified the original example file to give an illustration.

Compile, then run the following commands:

cd Unbias_LightGBM
cp ./lightgbm ./examples/lambdarank/
cd ./examples/lambdarank/
./lightgbm config="train.conf"

Despite the original XXX.train (provide feature) and XXX.train.query (provide which query a document belongs to), our modified lambdamart required a XXX.train.rank file to provide the position information to conduct debiasing. For later usage, remember to add this file.


Firstly, download the ranked dataset by an initial SVM ranker from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1459mQDnj-0yPtYMIc1LAqLg7Q5VJUw-K/view?usp=sharing And then put it into the evaluation directory. Also, one can generate this from scratch by their own, by refering to the procedure of https://github.com/QingyaoAi/Unbiased-Learning-to-Rank-with-Unbiased-Propensity-Estimation.

Then, generate the synthetic dataset from click models by:

cd evaluation
mkdir test_data
cd scripts
python generate_data.py ../click_model/user_browsing_model_0.1_1_4_1.json

Their are also other click model configurations in evaluation/click_model/, one can use any of them.

Finally, move the compiled lighgbm file into evaluation/configs, and then run:

./lightgbm config='train.conf'
./lightgbm config='test.conf'

In this way, the test results (LightGBM_predict_result.txt) based on synthetic click data will be generated. Next, we will evaluate it on real data, by:

cd ../scripts
python eval.py ../configs/LightGBM_predict_result.txt  #or any other model output.


Please consider citing the following paper when using our code for your application.

  title={Unbiased LambdaMART: An Unbiased Pairwise Learning-to-Rank Algorithm},
  author={Ziniu Hu, Yang Wang, Qu Peng, Hang Li},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference},