
Entity disambiguation evaluation and error analysis tool

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Entity linking evaluation

Python evaluation scripts for TAC entity linking (and related wikification, named entity disambiguation and cross-document coreference tasks).

TAC13 quickstart

Assumes that python (2.7, with Py3k support soon) is installed on your system with numpy (and preferably scipy for fast CEAF calculation) and joblib.

./scripts/run_tac14_evaluation.sh \
    /path/to/gold.xml \              # TAC14 gold standard queries/mentions
    /path/to/gold.tab \              # TAC14 gold standard link and nil annotations
    /system/output/directory \       # directory containing (only) TAC14 system output files
    /script/output/directory \       # directory to which results are written
    number_of_jobs                   # number of jobs for parallel mode

Each file in in the system output directory is scored against gold.tab.

See the project wiki for more details.