A template & library for typesetting homework assignment submissions in Typst.
Simply download the khw.typ
file and import it into your Typst document.
See the examples
directory in this repository for some example usage.
First, import the required functions from the khw.typ
#import "khw.typ": khw, problem
Next, use a show rule and the khw()
function to set up the document:
#show: khw.with(
title: [Title content],
course: [Course name],
author: "Author name",
newpages: false, // Optional. Whether each problem should start on a new page
problem-name: "Question", // Optional. What to call each problem
This will produce a header for your document with the given title, course name, author name, and the current date.
To typeset a problem, use the problem()
Problem text, prompt, etc.
Problem solution/respose...
There are some optional arguments you can pass to the problem()
name: string, // What to call the problem, e.g. "Problem" or "Question".
newpage: true/false/auto, // Whether to begin the problem on a new page. Auto will use the "newpages" setting from the khw() function.
increment: number, // How much to increment the problem counter by. Default is 1.
label: Label, // A label for this problem.
Problem text, prompt, etc.
To typeset a multi-part problem, use the parts()
#problem[Problem text]
*Part 1 prompt*
Part 1 solution/response...
*Part 2 prompt*
Part 2 solution/response...
] // ...
Just like with problems, the parts are automatically numbered.
The homework template includes a function to generate graph drawings from an edge list.
A good demonstration of how to use it is in this discussion post.
Also look at examples/computer-science/problem4.typ
The radialgraph()
function includes a complete documentation comment in khw.typ
Use that to find all the available options and what they do.