Searching Wiring Patterns of Neural Networks with Graph Backboning


pip install -r requirements.txt
  • If you want to calculate FLOPs of the model, you should replace the thop pacakage's thop/ to utils/

Training base models

  • DATA_DIR : Path of data directory.
  • DATASET : Name of dataset {'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'tiny_imagenet'}
  • MODEL_DIR : Path of model will be saved.
  • SEED : Random seed.
python {DATA_DIR} \\
    --arch complete \\
    --dataset {DATASET} -j 1 \\
    --epochs 100 \\
    --lr 0.05 \\
    --wd 3e-4 \\
    --graph-wd 0 \\
    --model-dir {SAVE_DIR} \\
    --batch-size 96 \\
    --print-freq 100 \\
    --N 32 \\
    --drop-path 0.1 \\
    --noScheduleDrop \\
    --channels 68 \\
    --edge-act softplus \\
    --init_norm \\
    --in-nodes 5 \\
    --out-nodes 5 \\
    --seed {SEED}

Graph backboning

  • DATA_DIR : Path of data directory.
  • DATASET : Name of dataset {'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'tiny_imagenet'}
  • BASE_DIR : Path of base model will be backboned.
  • SAVE_DIR : Path of backboned model will be saved.
  • CRITERION : Backboning criteria {'naive', 'in_disparity', 'BC', 'random'}
  • EDGES : Target number of edges after graph backboning.
  • SEED : Random seed.
python {DATA_DIR} \\
    -a complete  \\
    --dataset {DATASET} -j 1 \\
    --resume {BASE_DIR} \\
    --save {SAVE_DIR} \\
    --prune-criterion {CRITERION} \\
    --channels 68 \\
    --N 32 \\
    --in-nodes 5 \\
    --out-nodes 5 \\
    --edge-act softplus \\
    --init_norm \\
    --prune-edges {EDGES}
    --seed {SEED} \\

Training the backboned graph model

  • DATA_DIR : Path of data directory.
  • DATASET : Name of dataset {'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'tiny_imagenet'}
  • T : Training epochs
  • MODEL_DIR : Path of model will be saved.
  • RESUME_DIR : Path of the backboned model is saved.
  • SEED : Random seed.
python -u {DATA_DIR} \\
    --arch complete \\
    --dataset {DATASET} -j 1 \\
    --epochs {T} \\
    --lr 0.05 \\
    --wd 3e-4 \\
    --graph-wd 0 \\
    --model-dir {MODEL_DIR} \\
    --resume {RESUME_DIR} \\
    --batch-size 96 \\
    --print-freq 100 \\
    --drop-path 0.1 \\
    --noScheduleDrop \\
    --channels 68 \\
    --N 32 \\
    --in-nodes 5 \\
    --out-nodes 5 \\
    --edge-act softplus \\
    --init_norm \\
    --seed {SEED}