
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version

Wraps Gracenote's Web API in Ruby goodness. UnderFire provides two interfaces: a client to use from your projects and a command line interface.


gem install under_fire

or in your gemfile:

gem 'under_fire'


Before using UnderFire, you need to obtain a client_id and user_id from Gracenote as described below.

Obtain client_id

-To obtain a client_id, visit http://developer.gracenote.com and register yourself for a developer account. Once your account is created, go to "My Apps" and create a new app. Finaly, open your new app from your My Apps page to obtain your "Client ID for Mobile Client, Web API, and eyeQ".

-Now on your computer you need to add your client_id to your environment. On OSX or Linux you can do this by adding the following line to your .bashrc, .zshrc or wherever you prefer to set your environment variables:

export GRACENOTE_CLIENT_ID=your-client_id-here

After doing this, open a new terminal or type the following at the command prompt:

source ~/.bashrc


source ~/.zshrc

To test this out type the following in your terinal:


Obtain user_id

-Now you're ready to use UnderFire's register task to obtain your user_id. At the command prompt, type:

under-fire register -c `echo $GRACENOTE_CLIENT_ID`

Copy your user_id from the output and add to your environment by entering the folloing in your .bashrc or .zshrc as you did with your client_id above:

export GRACENOTE_USER_ID=your-user_id-here

Once again, ensure that your current environment is up to date by opening a new terminal or sourcing the appropriate config file.

Now you're ready to get started.


Command line

UnderFire provides a command line interface (CLI) that makes it easy to explore the Gracenote Web API or combine with other UNIX tools in shell scripts. If you followed the registration instructions above, you've already used the CLI's registration task.

Here are some other things you can do:

Look up the album called "Armed Forces":

under-fire album -t "Armed Forces"

Look up "Armed Forces", fetch its cover art, and save it as "armed-forces.jpg in the current folder:

under-fire album -t "Armed Forces" | grep url | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs under-fire cover -f "armed-forces.jpg" -u

For more information:

under-fire -h

If you want to search by a cd's table of contents, you need to provide the offset for each track on a given CD. To make things easy, I wrote a little gem called cdtoc. Just install this in the usual way:

gem install cdtoc


cdtoc | xargs under-fire toc -o

Programming API

If you're familiar with the Gracenote API, you'll note that I have renamed the commands to make it easier to differentiate between them and to stay with idiomatic Ruby. So, for example, Gracenote's "ALBUM_SEARCH" is called find_album.

All requests, with the exception of fetch_cover, return an APIResponse class, which provides to_h and to_s methods. You will probably find the to_h method most convenient.

require 'under_fire/client'

# First, get a client instance
client = UnderFire::Client.new

# Search by track title
client.find_album(:track_title => 'Paranoid Android')

# SINGLE_BEST: returns the single best result as decided by Gracenote.
# SINGLE_BEST_COVER: same as above, but also returns cover URL. Currently this is the default.

album = client.find_album(:track_title => 'Paranoid Android', :mode => 'SINGLE_BEST')

# use query response to fetch the album cover.
client.fetch_cover(album, "OK_Computer_cover.jpg")

# The following searches by Gracenote album id or track id:
album = client.fetch_album(:gn_id => '86372321-2C7F28ADC369EB90E53A7F6CA3A70D56')

# If you want to limit your response to one album, use one of the two modes described above.


More convenient APIResponse class that wraps artists and albums in their own classes.