
An AngularJS mini-site for show up data from Demandware

Primary LanguageCSS


An AngularJS mini-site for show up data from Demandware

  • A Demandware mini-site with AngularJS (Inspired by http://yeoman.io)
  • A showcase ecommerce site with frontend requirement
  • No need server side scripting (NodeJS or Grunt only for deploy)


  • Twitter Bootstrap 3.x (Inspired by http://www.bootstrapzero.com/bootstrap-template/mpurpose)
  • Responsive
  • Navigation menu
  • Show root categories
  • Show category products
  • Show standard product detail page
  • Show product page with complex data (variation, set, bundle)
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout


Category page screenshot: alt text

Product page screenshot: alt text


Only for developement and deployment

  1. NodeJS http://nodejs.org
  2. Grunt http://gruntjs.com


  1. Download the repo

  2. Install grunt

npm -g grunt-cli
  1. Install packages
npm install
bower install
  1. Configuration
//create config file from template
cp app\scripts\config.js.dist app\scripts\config.js

//configure the config file
vm app\scripts\config.js



  1. Development
grunt server
  1. Deployment
//Step 1: build the 'dist'
grunt build

//Step 2: upload the 'dist' to the server


  1. Enable OCAPI on sandbox
            "product.inventory.ats.max_threshold" : "99",
            "product.inventory.stock_level.max_threshold" : "99"
          "resource_id": "/sessions",
          "read_attributes": "(**)",
          "write_attributes": "(**)"

*Note: the setting above is only for OCAPI 16.5, change the version associate with the config in config.js