
Average brain volume + labeling

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CerebrA atlas Python

cerebra_atlas_python offers Python

CerebrA is an accurate non-linear registration of cortical and subcortical labelling from Mindboggle 101 to the symmetric MNI-ICBM2009c atlas. cerebra_atlas_python abstracts the following:

cerebra_atlas_python functionality

abstract coordinate frame transformations


Cerebra Atlas

MNIAverage: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zoff6ihk3711zn6phu2zt/MNIAverage.zip?rlkey=jrg63liehpuhus4suyyfmibuz&dl=0 Cerebra Atlas: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ivvh2afex6idffmano3qj/10.12751_g-node.be5e62.zip?rlkey=ie3w8lbd5b5377xotsjgnwkrg&dl=0


Easily access average brain volume.

Abstract coordinate frames

from cerebra_atlas_python import CerebrA
cerebra = CerebrA()
Cerebra Atlas


  • Python3 + dependencies (TODO)
  • Freesurfer (optional)


Building wheels

$ git clone https://github.com/kdotdot/cerebra_atlas_python.git
$ cd cerebra_atlas_python
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install build
$ python -m build
$ pip install .


The whole data folder generation (cerebra_data) process is outlined in notebooks/0.0-generate-cerebra-data.ipynb

  1. Use Freesurfer to perform cortical reconstruction and generate Boundary Element Model (BEM) surfaces
  2. Convert CerebrA volume to T1w scan coordinate frame
  3. Process region metadata
  4. Manually align fiducials(?)

Data sources:

Original datasets used to build the processed versions of the volumes.


1) Use Freesurfer to perform cortical reconstruction and generate Boundary Element Model (BEM) surfaces
  • Perform cortical reconstruction from MRI scan using recon-all
  • $ recon-all -subjid icbm152 -i $ICBM_DIR/mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_sym_09c.nii -all

  • Generate boundary element model (BEM) using watershed algoritm
  • BEM surfaces were generated using the FreeSurfer watershed algorithm through MNE's `mne.bem.make_watershed_bem`
  • Manually edit BEM surfaces
  • BEM surfaces are manually edited so that all inner surfaces are contained within the outer surfaces as explained [here](https://mne.tools/stable/auto_tutorials/forward/80_fix_bem_in_blender.html).
    Manual editing of BEM surfaces produced by recon-all
2) Convert CerebrA volume to T1w scan coordinate frame
Convert original .nii into .mgz

CerebrA_in_head.mgz can be computed using Freesurfer and the following commands. Transforms volume from Native anatomical space (193, 229, 193) to Freesurfer space (256, 256, 256):

$ mri_convert $CEREBRA_DIR"/CerebrA.nii" $CEREBRA_DIR"/CerebrA.mgz"

Transform CerebrA volumne into Freesurfer 'head' (head or mri??) coordinate frame (256x256x256)

$ mri_vol2vol --mov $CEREBRA_DIR"/CerebrA.mgz" --o $CEREBRA_DIR"/CerebrA_in_head.mgz" --regheader --targ $SUBJECT_DIR/mri/T1.mgz

3) Process region metadata
Mindboggle ID Label Name CerebrA ID hemisphere cortical color
0 0 Empty 0 #000000
1 2027 Rostral Middle Frontal 1 Right True #ff001e
2 631 Vermal lobules VI-VII 2 Right False #ff0013
3 2009 Inferior temporal 3 Right True #ff0003
4 58 Accumbens Area 4 Right False #ff0700
5 44 Inferior Lateral Ventricle 5 Right False #ff1700
6 2021 Pericalcarine 6 Right True #ff2200
7 2012 Lateral Orbitofrontal 7 Right True #ff3200
8 2026 Rostral Anterior Cingulate 8 Right True #ff3d00
9 2029 Superior Parietal 9 Right True #ff4d00
10 2008 Inferior Parietal 10 Right True #ff5800
11 16 Brainstem 11 Right False #ff6800
12 2013 Lingual 12 Right True #ff7300
13 2022 Postcentral 13 Right True #ff8300
14 2034 Transverse Temporal 14 Right True #ff8e00
15 2014 Medial Orbitofrontal 15 Right True #ff9e00
16 2017 Paracentral 16 Right True #ffa900
17 85 Optic Chiasm 17 Right False #ffb900
18 2016 Parahippocampal 18 Right True #ffc400
19 54 Amygdala 19 Right False #ffd400
20 632 Vermal lobules VIII-X 20 Right False #ffdf00
21 51 Putamen 21 Right False #ffef00
22 2020 Pars Triangularis 22 Right True #fffa00
23 2035 Insula 23 Right True #f3ff00
24 2007 Fusiform 24 Right True #e8ff00
25 92 Basal Forebrain 25 Right False #d8ff00
26 60 Ventral Diencephalon 26 Right False #cdff00
27 52 Pallidum 27 Right False #bdff00
28 2015 Middle Temporal 28 Right True #b2ff00
29 14 Third Ventricle 29 Right False #a2ff00
30 2002 Caudal Anterior Cingulate 30 Right True #97ff00
31 2025 Precuneus 31 Right True #87ff00
32 2018 Pars Opercularis 32 Right True #7cff00
33 2010 Isthmus Cingulate 33 Right True #6cff00
34 2011 Lateral Occipital 34 Right True #61ff00
35 2024 Precentral 35 Right True #56ff00
36 2006 Entorhinal 36 Right True #46ff00
37 15 Fourth Ventricle 37 Right False #3bff00
38 2028 Superior Frontal 38 Right True #2bff00
39 46 Cerebellum White Matter 39 Right False #20ff00
40 49 Thalamus 40 Right False #10ff00
41 43 Lateral Ventricle 41 Right False #05ff00
42 2003 Caudal Middle Frontal 42 Right True #00ff0a
43 2005 Cuneus 43 Right True #00ff15
44 2019 Pars Orbitalis 44 Right True #00ff25
45 2030 Superior Temporal 45 Right True #00ff30
46 45 Cerebellum Gray Matter 46 Right False #00ff40
47 2023 Posterior Cingulate 47 Right True #00ff4b
48 53 Hippocampus 48 Right False #00ff5b
49 50 Caudate 49 Right False #00ff66
50 630 Vermal lobules I-V 50 Right False #00ff76
51 2031 Supramarginal 51 Right True #00ff81
52 1027 Rostral Middle Frontal 52 Left True #00ff91
53 631 Vermal lobules VI-VII 53 Left False #00ff9b
54 1009 Inferior temporal 54 Left True #00ffac
55 58 Accumbens Area 55 Left False #00ffb6
56 44 Inferior Lateral Ventricle 56 Left False #00ffc6
57 1021 Pericalcarine 57 Left True #00ffd1
58 1012 Lateral Orbitofrontal 58 Left True #00ffe1
59 1026 Rostral Anterior Cingulate 59 Left True #00ffec
60 1029 Superior Parietal 60 Left True #00fffc
61 1008 Inferior Parietal 61 Left True #00f6ff
62 16 Brainstem 62 Left False #00e6ff
63 1013 Lingual 63 Left True #00dbff
64 1022 Postcentral 64 Left True #00caff
65 1034 Transverse Temporal 65 Left True #00c0ff
66 1014 Medial Orbitofrontal 66 Left True #00afff
67 1017 Paracentral 67 Left True #00a4ff
68 85 Optic Chiasm 68 Left False #0094ff
69 1016 Parahippocampal 69 Left True #0089ff
70 54 Amygdala 70 Left False #007eff
71 632 Vermal lobules VIII-X 71 Left False #006eff
72 51 Putamen 72 Left False #0063ff
73 1020 Pars Triangularis 73 Left True #0053ff
74 1035 Insula 74 Left True #0048ff
75 1007 Fusiform 75 Left True #0038ff
76 92 Basal Forebrain 76 Left False #002dff
77 60 Ventral Diencephalon 77 Left False #001dff
78 52 Pallidum 78 Left False #0012ff
79 1015 Middle Temporal 79 Left True #0001ff
80 14 Third Ventricle 80 Left False #0800ff
81 1002 Caudal Anterior Cingulate 81 Left True #1900ff
82 1025 Precuneus 82 Left True #2400ff
83 1018 Pars Opercularis 83 Left True #3400ff
84 1010 Isthmus Cingulate 84 Left True #3f00ff
85 1011 Lateral Occipital 85 Left True #4f00ff
86 1024 Precentral 86 Left True #5a00ff
87 1006 Entorhinal 87 Left True #6a00ff
88 15 Fourth Ventricle 88 Left False #7500ff
89 1028 Superior Frontal 89 Left True #8500ff
90 46 Cerebellum White Matter 90 Left False #9000ff
91 49 Thalamus 91 Left False #a100ff
92 43 Lateral Ventricle 92 Left False #ac00ff
93 1003 Caudal Middle Frontal 93 Left True #bc00ff
94 1005 Cuneus 94 Left True #c700ff
95 1019 Pars Orbitalis 95 Left True #d700ff
96 1030 Superior Temporal 96 Left True #e200ff
97 45 Cerebellum Gray Matter 97 Left False #f200ff
98 1023 Posterior Cingulate 98 Left True #fd00ff
99 53 Hippocampus 99 Left False #ff00f0
100 50 Caudate 100 Left False #ff00e5
101 630 Vermal lobules I-V 101 Left False #ff00d4
102 1031 Supramarginal 102 Left True #ff00ca
103 0 White matter 103 #ffdddd


  • Update README
  • Create documentation page
  • Create backup of data sources
  • Publish library -> Get DOI -> Create python dependencies file -> Upload to pip