This is the third project for the Udacity Android Nanodegree. Its a continuation of the Popular Movies App Phase 1.
Note, that in order to run this app you will need an API Key. Follow these instructions:
- Create a free account at The Movie DB by going to the following link:
- Then you can request an API key at The Movie DB by going to the following link:
- Once you have an API key go to file /app/res/values/strings.xml and insert your API Key on line 19
You’ll add more information to your movie details view:
- You’ll allow users to view and play trailers ( either in the youtube app or a web browser).
- You’ll allow users to read reviews of a selected movie.
- You’ll also allow users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by tapping a button(star).
- This is for a local movies collection that you will maintain and does not require an API request*.
- You’ll modify the existing sorting criteria for the main view to include an additional pivot to show their favorites collection.