Digital compass acting as B&G Precision 9 based on ESP32 and BNO055 (tilt compensated) copy a lot of Code an Idea from thanks for that.
- Adafruit_BNO055
- Timo's NMEA2000 Library (correct this : ttlappalainen/NMEA2000#250 Timo hasn't done it yet)
- BluetoothSerial
- After trying the MPU9250 first, Iwasn't happy with the noise level. ( as ... I am with him!)
- Configuration can be done via Bluetooth using free App SerialBluetooth
- Heave ... I was trying to do this. But I did not get it. The Value was floating away :-( . Has anyone an Idea ?! I did not find a good description for PNG 127252. Is the Value positiv and negativ ? ... Where is Zero Level ? ... Does the Value come up to Zero in time? ... and so on. Has anyone a real B&G Precision-9 and can describe what it does?