An SMS sender for Laravel 5 with Notification Channel

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An SMS sender for Laravel 5 with Notification Channel

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An SMS sender for Laravel 5 with Notification Channel


Via Composer

$ composer require kduma/sms

In Laravel 5.6, service provider is automatically discovered. If you don't use package discovery, add the Service Provider to the providers array in config/app.php:


And following facade to facades array:

'SMS' => KDuma\SMS\Facades\SMS::class,

Publish sms.php config file using following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="KDuma\SMS\SMSServiceProvider"

Now You can install and configure SMS channels and drivers. Configuration options are available in drivers readme's.

Available Drivers


SMS::send('phone number', 'Message.');
SMS::driver('serwersms')->send('phone number', 'Message.');

Laravel 5.3 Notifications Channel Usage

Follow Laravel's documentation to add the channel your Notification class, for example:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use KDuma\SMS\NotificationChannel\SMSChannel;
use KDuma\SMS\NotificationChannel\SMSMessage;

class NotificationSMSChannelTestNotification extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [SMSChannel::class];
    public function toSMS($notifiable)
        return SMSMessage::create('This is a test SMS sent via Simple SMS using Laravel Notifications!');

Also you need to add a routeNotificationForSMS method to your Notifiable model to return the phone number, for example:

public function routeNotificationForSMS()
    return $this->phone_number;

SMSMessage Available methods

  • content() - SMS content
  • channel() - Set the configured SMS channel



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.