
Python tools for analyzing UN FAO data with Pandas and Matplotlib

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Visualizing Worldwide Agricultural Data in Python


This repo integrates some public data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with Python data analysis and plotting tools, namely, Pandas and Matplotlib.

My goal was to create an animated scatter plot using worldwide data and to also generalize it for other datasets (education, socioeconomic metrics, etc.)

Reusable code

The code in notebook.ipynb under the Animated "heatmap" using z-score of average country yield per year - Pure Matplotlib/Basemap heading is essentially data-independent, except for titles/axis labels. The input format is a Pandas dataframe of z-scores, with columns being years and row indices being country names, meaning the value at each element is a z-score for a given country, in a given year.