
Primary LanguagePython


General information

Regex processing algorithm:

  1. Tokenize input regular expression using Lexer (in case of Moore machine or Buchi machine - parse all regular expressions divided by a comma)
  2. Build the finite state machine (FSM) using FSMBuilder (or Moore machine using MooreMachineBuilder or Buchi machine using BuchiMachineBuilder)
    1. Build the machine with epsilon transitions (marked as $)
    2. Build the determined machine
  3. Check word acceptance using FSM.acceptance (or MooreMachine.acceptance) - unavailable for Buchi machine

How to run

From command line:

python cli.py "{a|b}bba" 0 abba ba ababba baba

First argument is regular expression, second argument is target machine type (0 for FSM, 1 for Moore machine, 2 for Buchi machine), next arguments are words for acceptance testing.

Using GUI:

python gui.py


  1. Python library graphviz, which is installed using pip install graphviz
  2. Graphviz tool (download here). You also have to add directory with Graphviz binaries to PATH.