- 0
routines:ssl3_read_bytes:ssl handshake failure
#58 opened by remorses - 4
Getting it to work on Windows
#47 opened by mii9000 - 0
reverse proxy
#56 opened by selfyguy - 4
Downloading is too slow when i npm install. Can i download it alone?
#37 opened by deju - 4
Use system certificates
#52 opened by jekor - 0
version numbers broken on macOS
#53 opened by core-code - 1
- 1
Enable zooming
#51 opened by simov - 19
Support HTTPS
#3 opened by kdzwinel - 1
disable cache
#48 opened by kevininsticator - 1
Why not use Template instead of js DOM?
#46 opened by fwon - 1
- 3
sorry it doesnot work
#44 opened by willshion - 1
Support for replay
#42 opened by danielfalk - 9
Project Icon / Logo
#18 opened by kdzwinel - 7
Set proxy programmatically
#2 opened by kdzwinel - 2
More informative empty panel
#40 opened by Garbee - 1
Use native context menus
#41 opened by kdzwinel - 4
Create UI for settings/about section
#34 opened by kdzwinel - 6
can't copy in the betwixt
#35 opened by desenmeng - 2
Handle port unavailable errors
#36 opened by kdzwinel - 2
can't find root certificate in Mac
#38 opened by deju - 0
- 1
Use ESLint instead of JSCS, JSHint.
#22 opened by zckrs - 2
- 1
Edit Response
#33 opened - 4
Request payload not shown
#28 opened by mhnagaoka - 2
betwixt modify http header format
#27 opened by fants - 3
Create a project website
#21 opened by kdzwinel - 5
Support for Throttling
#9 opened by kdzwinel - 1
#15 opened by kdzwinel - 6
nothing gets captured
#20 opened by zinking - 0
Make copy to clipboard and save to file work
#6 opened by kdzwinel - 4
when exec 'npm start', it throw a error
#17 opened by SKing7 - 3
Remove unnecessary UI elements
#5 opened by kdzwinel - 3
Listen to specific port?
#13 opened by JAStanton - 2
Modifying requests and responses in flight
#10 opened by kdzwinel - 0
- 1
Support WebSockets
#4 opened by kdzwinel - 4
Doesn't work w/o chalk
#12 opened by mhausenblas - 4
initial version
#1 opened by alessioalex