
A simple vagrant and puppet scripts for a web project

Primary LanguagePuppet

First approach and first implementation of a Vagrant configuration.

In this project the VM is configured with the web tools below :

Requirements :

  • VirtualBox installation
  • Vagrant installation
  • For the version 1.6.5 and later of Git types :
    • git clone --recursive https://github.com/ke20/vagrant-web.git yourDirectory/
  • For the older version types :
    • git clone https://github.com/ke20/vagrant-web.git yourDirectory/
    • cd yourDirectory
    • git init
    • git update
  • Open bash and types :
    • cd yourDirectory/
    • vagrant up

It is needed to create a directory named projects at the same level of this project. This directory will be shared with the virtual machine and will be accessed to /vagrant/projects.

The list of the PHP extensions can to be found and modified in the file manifests/initialize.pp. The list of the Apache modules is also defined in the file manifests/initialize.pp.

SSH access :

ip      =>
port    => 2222
user    => vagrant
passwd  => vagrant

Browser access :

url     => (Can to be modify in `Vagrantfile`)

PhpMyAdmin access :

url     =>
user    => root
passwd  => root (Can to be modify in `manifests/initialize.pp`)