
STM32F723e Wifi analysis tool

Primary LanguageHTML


Based on STM32F723E-Discovery Board with a ESP-01 Wifi board attached, this project's goal is to have a handheld device that monitors and records Wifi networks at particular locations and records signal strength.


  • Added foundation for header for basic SPI driver (2017-07-31)
  • Implemented interrupt support for GPIO HAL driver (2017-07-27)
  • Implemented basic custom GPIO HAL driver (2017-07-24)


Currently this project uses Keil uVision5 project file for building. Use the associated (.uprojx) file to compile.

  • Required packs:
    • Keil::ARM_Compiler
    • Keil::STM32F7XX_DFP
    • ARM::CMSIS
  • Target Xtal: 25MHz