- 0
- 0
Issues with Scrolling and Severe Hang on tvOS
#308 opened by lsh424 - 2
Pulse Pro Enterprise Subscription
#301 opened by travismmorgan - 1
macOS Console UI Improvements
#281 opened by AvdLee - 0
[Question] - Is it possible to customize the title of an item in the console?
#306 opened by TripwireNL - 0
Seemingly randomly plays next episode when near the beginning of an episode
#305 opened by BushMasterJM - 0
Missing xcframeworks for the latest release
#304 opened by ilendemli - 5
remote loggin not found my macbook
#303 opened by winnisx7 - 1
- 2
ConsoleView - Hide `Get Pulse Pro` menu option
#298 opened by travismmorgan - 3
Xcode 15.3 build failure
#297 opened by yonicsurny - 2
ConsoleView is missing on macOS on Pulse 5
#296 opened by erichoracek - 2
- 1
Logging Error: Failed to initialize logging system. Log messages may be missing.?
#286 opened by Shivani-Bajaj - 1
- 1
Fonts on macOS are too small
#282 opened by AvdLee - 4
Stuck after purchase
#284 opened by ezefranca - 5
- 1
- 1
Why not use StaticString for #line #function and #file in LoggerStore.storeMessage?
#237 opened by Scvairy - 2
Feature Request: Show Session Overall Data Usage
#283 opened by jorgealegre - 4
Crash accessing `URLSessionTask.currentRequest` and `URLRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields`
#268 opened by djtarazona - 0
Feature request: Save logs to disk
#272 opened by AvdLee - 0
Toolbar buttons that show a menu require a chevron
#271 opened by AvdLee - 0
Popover in popover is not following macOS guidelines
#270 opened by AvdLee - 0
Search bar on macOS shows previously searched string
#269 opened by AvdLee - 4
Crash when hitting "Remove Logs"
#242 opened by Tibimac - 1
Crash when tapping "See all" when grouped by host
#263 opened by bjtitus - 2
Search only displays 10 results.
#257 opened by AgapovOne - 1
- 0
- 4
Crash `specialized _ArrayBuffer._consumeAndCreateNew(bufferIsUnique:minimumCapacity:growForAppend:)`
#230 opened by yurii-lysytsia - 1
Request timeout is lost after this commit
#244 opened by alenodv - 1
Feature Request: Custom network log descriptions
#251 opened by ejensen - 1
How to log to LoggerStore.shared with strict concurrency checking enabled?
#226 opened by erichoracek - 1
Deadlock in LoggerStore.shared init
#246 opened by cpd - 3
Add xcprivacy for UserDefaults usage
#248 opened by pxlRider - 0
Xcode 15.3 reports that Pulse is performing I/O on the main thread, which can lead to app hangs
#245 opened by Taeeun-Kim - 1
Is it available for axios and fetch?
#243 opened by baronha - 2
provide precompiled binary spm package
#232 opened by ilendemli - 2
Missing 4.0.5 in pod trunk
#234 opened by AgapovOne - 1
Protocol documentation for SDK <> Viewer communication (allow others to support non-Apple platforms)
#228 opened by tonyxiao - 1
Pulse is no longer available - Testfight
#229 opened by iramons - 8
Cant find settings view of the iOS plugin
#225 opened by ahmadmssm - 1
Feature Request: Persistent filters
#221 opened by ejensen - 1
URLSessionProxyDelegate.enableAutomaticRegistration swizzling troubles with Instabug SDK
#220 opened by jgodonQobuz - 3
- 1
All requests is pending with async await
#222 opened by vitys96 - 3
Swift runtime failure: arithmetic overflow
#217 opened by SuperY - 2
Q) Since SettingView is not available on iOS14 since Plus 4.0, how can I connect it to Pulse Pro or Pulse Mac app?
#218 opened by ElonPark