
vim for python developer

Primary LanguageVim Script

vim-on-vam is vim for python developer

(tailored for python dev using vim-addon-manager)


  • vim-addon-manager is used for plugins management, you can use it for keeping them up-to-date
  • Can be installed on fedora or ubuntu with three commands
  • Includes python-mode, NERDTree, pyunit and many more plugins, which brings you code auto completion, refactoring features, go-to-definition, i.e. many features that you could find in PyCharm


git clone https://github.com/frenzykryger/vim-on-vam
cd vim-on-vam

After installing all plugins and their dependencies, this will open vim.


You can find full plugin list in plugins.vim and remapped shortcuts in settings.vim.

See plugins documentation (:help <topic>) for more details.

Very Useful Documentation:

  • python-mode README
  • :help python-mode
  • :help rope
  • :help pylint
  • pyunit README
  • :help fugitive
  • :help nerdtree
  • :help bufexplorer
  • :help vim-addon-manager-getting-started
  • :help vim-addon-manager-additional-documentation


Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License.