
A nodeJS app built for D&D/Pathfinder players to keep a digital character sheet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Summary: This app is useful for recording and tracking your tabletop RPG character sheets, the first iteration built with DnD 5e in mind. Not only are you able to keep a digital copy with this app, you can invite other players to a campaign for an easy Game Master overview of current character state.

Steps to install Char Sheets: First:

npm install

Configuration: For development, note the MongoDB connection string is used in two places for storing sessions to your mongo database. The node module 'connect-mongodb-session' does need to create a second connection pool to achieve this, that is intentional.

Technologies used:
-NodeJS -Express -MongoDB with mongoose -Twitter's Bootstrap

Technologies in the works: -Front end framework (most likely AngularJS) -PhantomJS for generating downloadable PDFs -SendGrid for sending invite e-mail to users and new users