
A small project that showcases some of my web developer skills.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small project that showcases some of my web developer skills.

This tiny single-page app allows you to search for GitHub users and see some cool public data about them.


  1. Visual Studio (2012)
  2. ASP.NET MVC 4
  3. Enable Package Restore!
  4. Octokit
  5. Json.NET
  6. Copy GitHubby/Config/AppSettings.config.template to GitHubby/Config/AppSettings.config and put in your personal API token.

###Current Issues

####Getting latest commits for repositories

I really wanted to display latest commits for repositories, but it turns out the library I'm using for the GitHub API does not support this quite yet.

Possible solutions are use a different library (Ruby ❤️) or just do the HTTP calls myself.