
Boilerplate starter theme for Wordpress with many features built in

Primary LanguagePHP

WP Boilerplate

This is my custom Wordpress boilerplate for creating bespoke Wordpress themes. It provides basic support for features I commonly use on my websites. Including things like a contact form, customiseable content, a hamburger menu etc.

  • Uses Tailwind for styling
  • All assets in /src/ are processed through Webpack and output into /dist/
  • The default language for this template is Japanese


Layout/Wordpress features

  • Secondary page header with breadcrumbs and fallback/404 image
  • Post archive with pagination and fallback images for items
  • One custom post type (CPT) – called 'Blog' (ブログ in Japanese)
  • Fully accessible hamburger menu (mobile only)
  • 404 page

Wordpress Plugins supported (required):

  • Contact Form 7 (WPCF7):

    • For the contact form
    • Anti-spam built in for Japanese sites
    • Styles for WPCF7 bundled in with style.css
  • ACF

    • Provides customiseability of the hero slider, social media links etc.
    • Stored as JSON to provide sync feature
  • Yoast SEO

    • Used for Breadcrumbs

Files queued by Wordpress:

  • style.css (bundled CSS)
  • dist/index.js (bundled JS – including vendor JS/CSS assets for AOS and Swiper)


  • Webpack
    • PostCSS
      • Tailwind
      • Autoprefixing
      • Inlining CSS url() assets
    • Browsersync
      • Reloads PHP/JS files on change
    • Sourcemaps
  • Post-build script (webpack-post.js) minimizes JPG/PNG from src/img into dist/img


Working versions:

  • Node: v17.2.0
  • NPM: v8.1.4
  • Webpack: 5.72.0


  • npm run build
    • Builds all assets and also runs postbuild script, converting JPG to WEBP and cleaning
  • npm run dev
    • Launches dev environment
  • npm run clean
    • Removes build files
  • npm run unpack
    • Cleans, installs node_modules and WP plugins through Composer, runs build script

Known bugs: