You can inspect and modify views in iOS app via Lookin, just like UI Inspector in Xcode, or another app called Reveal.
Official Website:
To use Lookin macOS app, you need to integrate LookinServer (iOS Framework of Lookin) into your iOS project.
Warning Never integrate LookinServer in Release building configuration.
pod 'LookinServer', :subspecs => ['Swift'], :configurations => ['Debug']
pod 'LookinServer', :configurations => ['Debug']
Warning Lookin will not display property name of a Swift class via SPM. Because the implementation of the feature needs to mix Objective-C and Swift files which is not supported by SPM. If you know how to deal with it, please contact me or create pull request.
macOS app:
It's hard for me to spend much time on this free open-source side project. The feature developlment or bugfix may be really slow.
Lookin 可以查看与修改 iOS App 里的 UI 对象,类似于 Xcode 自带的 UI Inspector 工具,或另一款叫做 Reveal 的软件。
如果这是你的 iOS 项目第一次使用 Lookin,则需要先把 LookinServer 这款 iOS Framework 集成到你的 iOS 项目中。
Warning 记得不要在 AppStore 模式下集成 LookinServer。
pod 'LookinServer', :subspecs => ['Swift'], :configurations => ['Debug']
pod 'LookinServer', :configurations => ['Debug']
Warning 通过 SPM 方式集成时,Lookin 将无法显示 Swift 成员属性的变量名。因为实现这个 Feature 需要在 LookinServer 中引入 Swift 文件,但 SPM 似乎不支持 OC 和 Swift 文件混在一起(如果你知道如何解决,可以联系我,或者直接提 Pull Request)。
iOS 端 LookinServer:
macOS 端软件:
由于在公司里的正职实在是太忙了,导致我很难在这个开源免费项目上花费太多时间和精力,所以新功能开发和 Bugfix 可能都比较慢,请见谅。