
Collection of Python scripts for managing LND

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is a collection of handy Python scripts for lightning node management. More scripts will be added over time.

Some of these scripts, particularly improvecentrality.py are resource intensive and should not be run on node hardware.

Individual documentation for each script is contained in the top section of each file.



Download the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/Gridflare/lndpytools.git

Change into the new directory

$ cd lndpytools

Install requirements

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user


Most scripts use gRPC to connect to lnd directly after some setup, create the config file with

$ python3 nodeinterface.py

Double check node.conf and rerun nodeinterface, it will say Connected to node <alias> if everything is correct

With describegraph.json

Instead of connecting to lnd, some scripts can use a fresh copy of describegraph.json in the lndpytools directory. The json file will be preferred over connecting to LND where possible. Create this file from lnd with

$ lncli describegraph > describegraph.json


You are now ready to run the scripts like so

$ python3 checkchannels.py


You can download updates to the repo with

$ git pull