Keboola Storage Driver Big Query

Keboola high level storage backend driver for Big Query

Setup Big Query

Install Google Cloud client (via Brew), initialize it and log in to generate default credentials.

To prepare the backend use Terraform template. You must have the resourcemanager.folders.create permission for the organization (ask Roman).

  1. get missing pieces (organization_id and billing_id) from Connection repository.
  2. (optional) move out of project directory so new files would be out of git
  3. Run terraform init
  4. Run terraform apply -var organization_id=[organization_id] -var billing_account_id=[billing_id] -var backend_prefix=<your prefix, eg. js-driver-bq>
  5. After terraform apply ends go to the service project in folder created by terraform.
    1. go to the newly created service project, the project id is listed at the end of the terraform call. (service_project_id). Typically (<service_project_id>)
    2. click on IAM & Admin
    3. on left panel choose Service Accounts
    4. click on email of service account (there is only one, something like
    5. on to the top choose Keys and Add Key => Create new key
    6. select Key type JSON
    7. click on the Create button and the file will be automatically downloaded
    8. open keyFile.json set content of private_key as variable BQ_SECRET and remove (the whole entry) it from json file
      1. note: simply cut&paste it whole even with the quotes and new lines -> your .env will be like BQ_SECRET="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----XXXXZQ==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
    9. remove line breaks from the rest of key file (without private_key entry) and set this string as variable BQ_PRINCIPAL to .env
      1. You can convert the key to string with awk -v RS= '{$1=$1}1' <key_file>.json
    10. go to[organization_id]
    11. click Grant Access and fill new principal with your email of service account (from step 4)
    12. add to new roles Billing Account User and Billing Account Viewer and click save.
    13. Create new key as described in 5.i - vii, remove its line breaks and set it as BQ_KEY_FILE (even with the private_key)

At the end, your .env file should look like...

# the id is printed by terraform at the end and it is just the numbers after `folders/`

BQ_PRINCIPAL=<the content of the downloaded json key file as single line without private_key entry>
BQ_SECRET=<private_key from downloaded json key file (taken from BQ_PRINCIPAL)>

BQ_FOLDER_ID=<TF output file_storage_bucket_id : the id of the created folder, just the number, without /folders prefix>
BQ_BUCKET_NAME=<TF output file_storage_bucket_id : bucket id created in main project>

# choose different BQ_STACK_PREFIX than you Terraform prefix otherwise project created by Terraform will be deleted . e.g. local :)

BQ_KEY_FILE=<key file json owned by main service acc>

All done. Now you can try composer loadGcs script and run tests.

Build docker images

docker-compose build


To run with xdebug use dev-xdebug container instead of dev


Run tests with following command.

docker-compose run --rm dev composer tests

And than run phpunit

docker-compose run --rm dev composer phpunit

To disable retry copy phpunit-retry.xml.dist

cp phpunit-retry.xml.dist phpunit-retry.xml

Code quality check

#run all bellow but not tests
docker-compose run --rm dev composer check

docker-compose run --rm dev composer phplint

docker-compose run --rm dev composer phpcs

docker-compose run --rm dev composer phpcbf

docker-compose run --rm dev composer phpstan

Full CI workflow

This command will run all checks and run tests

docker-compose run --rm dev composer ci


Project ID: A globally unique identifier for your project. This lib creating project id as combinations of stackPrefix and projectId from CreateProjectCommand

A project ID is a unique string used to differentiate your project from all others in Google Cloud. You can use the Google Cloud console to generate a project ID, or you can choose your own. You can only modify the project ID when you're creating the project.

Project ID requirements:

  • Must be 6 to 30 characters in length.
  • Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Must start with a letter.
  • Cannot end with a hyphen.
  • Cannot be in use or previously used; this includes deleted projects.
  • Cannot contain restricted strings, such as google and ssl.


MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.