A few exercises to get familiar with some distributed system concepts and their simulations.
This project provides the following exercises and even offers some simplistic solutions for students of distributed systems:
- Investigate several ways one can create a virtual machine on a physical machine
- Task: Fulfill the test cases in TestVMCreation
- An example solution: SolutionVMC
- Analyze techniques to fill in an inhomogeneous computing infrastructure with virtual machines, then apply round robin job scheduling on top of the created VMs
- Task: Fulfill the test case in TestRoundRobinJobSched
- An example solution:
- For the infrastructure filling: SolutionFiller
- For the round robin scheduling: SolutionJobtoStaticVMsetRR
- Get a grasp on the principles of auto scaling:
- Task: fulfill the test case of TestSimpleScaler
- Example solution: SolutionBasicScaler
- Check out some basic high availability techniques:
- Task: fulfill the test case of TestHighAvailability
- Example solution: SolutionHA
- Introduce new pricing models for infrastructure clouds:
- Task: fulfill the test case of TestPricing
- Example solution: no example provided as the test case itself uses a simplistic pricing technique in BuiltInCloudProvider
The solutions above are kept to be as simplistic as possible in order to allow easy understanding of the mechanics in place. As a result, some of the solutions do not offer 100% success rate in the test runs...