
Monitor MikroTik devices with InfluxDB 2.x

Primary LanguageRouterOS ScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MikroTik scripts

Recomended Grafana dashboard https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/16601

Mikrotik Interface Traffic Usage

Counts rx, tx and total transferred bytes on network interfaces. Stores results in interface's comment and pushes them to InfluxDB.


Initialise interface comment metadata

You can use WebFig, Winbox or other way to modify the comment. We use CLI:

/interface ethernet set ether1 comment="{traffic:null}"
/interface wireless set wlan2 comment="{traffic:null}"

Import scripts to MikroTik

Set InfluxDB URL, organization and bucket in one of used scripts

:global influxDBURL "http://influx.db.server:8086/api/v2/write?org=ORAGNIZATION&bucket=BUCKET&precision=ns"

Set Authorization Token inside script

/tool fetch url="$influxDBURL" http-header-field="Authorization: TOKEN YOUR-TOKEN,Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8,Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8" keep-result=no http-method=post http-data="$postRequestPayload"

Configure system scheduler

Frequent updates may increase cpu usage

/system scheduler add interval=2s name=interface_traffic_usage on-event="/system/script/run script1" policy=read,write,test start-time=startup

Validate results

Check the scheduler:

:put [ /system scheduler get interface_traffic_usage next-run ]
:put [ /system scheduler get interface_traffic_usage run-count ]

Check the interface comment:

:put [/interface ethernet get ether1 comment ]
:put [/interface ethernet get wlan2 comment ]

Mikrotik Health Exporter

Installation is similar. Loose these comment modification steps and you're all set.