
Gist RunKit combines the power of Github Gist with RunKit.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Gist RunKit

Gist RunKit combines the power of Github Gist with RunKit.

Source Code

Gist-RunKit website

Gist-RunKit source code

Gist-RunKit npm

Edit on Stackblitz


Install the package.

$ npm i -s ngx-gist-runkit

Add the RunKit embed library to your index page:


    <script src="https://embed.runkit.com"></script>

Whitelist angular-runkit in your System.js config:

src/systemjs.config.js (if applicable)

map: {
    'angular-runkit': 'npm:angular-runkit/dist/index.js',

Declare the component in your module:


import { NgxGistRunkitModule } from 'ngx-gist-runkit'


	imports: [


<app-ngx-gist-runkit [gistId]="gistId" [gistFileName]="gistFileName" ></app-ngx-gist-runkit>

Don't forget to check out the RunKit embed docs.


source : string

Basically there are two inputs one is [gistId] and second is [gistFileName].

[gistId] : is the id present after you username when you open your gist on github.

[gistFileName] : Before creating any Gist github asks for the filename you have to enter the same.

Please check below image for more details.

<app-ngx-gist-runkit [gistId]="gistId" [gistFileName]="gistFileName" ></app-ngx-gist-runkit>