
A simple and easy to use angular wrapper on top of frappe for generating awesome graphs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A simple and easy to use angular wrapper on top of frappe for generating awesome graphs.

Download NPM Package » Edit at Stackbliz »


Install the package.

$ npm i -s ngx-frappe-chart

Add the frappe library to your Angular.json file:


 "architect": {
    "build": {
      "options": {
          "scripts": [ "./node_modules/frappe-charts/dist/frappe-charts.min.iife.js"]

Declare the component in your module:


import { FrappeChartsModule } from 'ngx-frappe-chart';


	imports: [


Ngx-frappy-chart exports 3 different components i.e. bar, pie, and heatmap to draw similar charts. We will check each one them and how to use them.

Bar chart, Line chart and Axis-Mixed chart tag

This component is used for drawing bar, line and mixed charts. you have to add the componant as follows.


Valid inputs

Valid inputs foe drawing bar, line and axis-mixed charts are as follows.

Input Type Valid Input values
data GraphDataModel -
title string -
type string bar , line , axis-mixed
colors string[] Hexadecimal values for colors including # e.g ['#a8026f', '#db2d43', '#e76838']
height number default 240
isNavigable boolean true or false, default false
valuesOverPoints boolean true or false, default false
axisOptions AxisOptions -
tooltipOptions TooltipOptions
barOptions BarOptions
lineOptions LineOptions
yMarkers YMarkers[]
yRegions YRegions[]

Custom models

where GraphDataModel , AxisOptions , TooltipOptions , BarOptions , LineOptions, YMarkers , YRegions are interfaces as follows.


export interface GraphDataModel {
  labels: string[];
  datasets: GraphDatasetModel[];

export interface GraphDatasetModel {
  name: string;
  chartType?: string;
  values: number[];


export interface AxisOptions {
  xIsSeries?: boolean; // default: false
  xAxisMode?: string; // default: 'span'
  yAxisMode?: string; // default: 'span'


export interface TooltipOptions {
  formatTooltipX: any; // formatTooltipX: d => (d + '').toUpperCase(),
  formatTooltipY: any; // formatTooltipY: d => d + ' pts',


export interface BarOptions {
  spaceRatio: number; // default: 1
  stacked: number; // default 0,


export interface LineOptions {
  dotSize: number; // default: 4
  regionFill: number; // default: 0
  hideDots: number; // default: 0
  hideLine: number; // default: 0
  heatline: number; // default: 0


export interface YMarkers {
  label: string;
  value: number;
  options: LabelPosition;


export interface YRegions {
  label: string;
  start: number;
  end: number;
  options: LabelPosition;


export interface LabelPosition {
  labelPos: string; // 'left' | 'right'

Percentage chart tag

This component is used for drawing pie and percentage charts. you have to add the componant as follows.

<ngx-frappe-charts-percentage [type]="'pie'" [data]="piechart1" [height]="500">


Valid inputs

Valid inputs foe drawing pecentage charts are as follows.

Input Type Valid Input values
data GraphDataModel -
title string -
colors string[] -
height number -
type string -
maxSlices number -
barOptions BarOptions -

Custom models

where GraphDataModel , BarOptions are interfaces as follows.


export interface GraphDataModel {
  labels: string[];
  datasets: GraphDatasetModel[];

export interface GraphDatasetModel {
  name: string;
  chartType?: string;
  values: number[];


export interface BarOptions {
  height: number; // default: 20 only for barF
  depth: number; // default: 2 only for bar

Heatmap chart tag

This component is used for drawing Heatmap charts. you have to add the componant as follows.


Valid inputs

Valid inputs foe drawing Heatmap charts are as follows.

Input Type Valid Input values
data HeatmapDataModel -
title string -
colors string[] -
countLabel string -
discreteDomains number 1 or 0

Custom models

where HeatmapDataModel is interfaces as follows.


export interface HeatmapDataModel {
  start: Date; // e.g. new Date('2018-12-31')
  end: Date;
  dataPoints: any; //  { '1524064033': 8, /* ... */},

Don't forget to check out the Frappe charts docs.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


  • Kedar Paritkar - Software Developer - Tieto India.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Thanks to Frappe Charts for creating this awesome library.