
This is an ever evolving repository for GoLand Tips&Tricks

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GoLand Tips & Tricks

This repository is a collection of tips & tricks for GoLand that can be tried any time by users.

Feel free to contribute or open issues for various features that you'd like to see added.

How to use?

Each file contains a small description of what to do.

There are two types of important comments:

  • // Step X. -> this allows you to perform actions in a certain order
  • // E.g. -> this allows you to know what to do at that specific point

List of Tips&Tricks

The tips and tricks are split into a few major categories:


Tip number Contents
001 Import a package without typing its name
002 Smart Type Completion
003 Postfix Completion
004 Method-like Completion
005 (Custom) Live Templates. Use of builtin completion templates helpers
006 Partial Match Completion
007 Completion with Tab
008 Completion for type-assertion
009 Parameter name auto-generation


Tip number Contents
001 Cyclic Expand Word / Cyclic Expand Word (Backward)
002 Parameter Info for functions and structs
003 Language Injections
004 Go Templates support
005 Create undefined type. Use multi-cursor for struct tag Live Template.
006 Extend/Shrink Selection
007 Add Selection for Next Occurrence
008 Completion in comments

Go Modules

Tip number Contents
001 Go mod completions support. Inspection from the IDE for local paths.


Tip number Contents
001 Navigate to File. Switcher. Recent Files. Recent Locations.
002 Navigate to File. Structure Pop-up. Select in.
003 Type Hierarchy. Call Hierarchy


Tip number Contents
001 Implement Interface
002 Change Signature refactoring. Move refactoring
003 Extract Interface refactoring
004 Introduce Constant/Variable refactoring. Inline refactoring

Running, testing and debugging

Tip number Contents
001 Completion in breakpoints
002 Generate test for function. Use auto-test for testing changes.
003 Debugger Labels
004 Benchmark support
005 Smart Step Into

Setup the IDE for tips/comments/shortcut highlighting

To see the shortcuts in a nice manner, setup the following TODOs:

  • // E.g. -> \b(E\.g\. )\b.*, Case Sensitive, Color #35C03B
  • // Step x. -> \b(Step \d\. )\b.*, Case Sensitive, Color #35C03B
  • // Shortcut: -> \b(Shortcut: )\b.*, Case Sensitive, Color #2B80C0

Contributions welcomed

Do you have a favorite tip or trick, and you want to see it here?

Send a PR at any time, and we'll add it!


Apache 2, see the license.