Data Scientist | Master's Degree & Industry Exp. | Machine Learning | Data Analytics | Deep Learning | Python,SQL,R,Tableau |
Pinned Repositories
Successful SQL + Tableau Integration which provides insights into Business Intelligence with the help of SQL queries and visualizing the Data in Tableau to create Dashboard for Employees
Successfully carried Exploratory Data Analysis with the help of Numpy module
In this project, the state of the object is predicted using Bayesian Inference Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. For Data visualization, I used Matplotlib to correctly observe the Convergence to Stationary Distribution by plotting Histogram and Bar Charts. Successfully achieved low Mean Squared Error of 0.0003 for various test cases involving prior-posterior probability.
Successfully collected, cleaned and analysed the time series data and used ARIMA model to forecast average temperature using and visualized the Temperature pattern using Python Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Statsmodels
The Gauss-Jordan Elimination and Ordinary Least Squares Linear Regression is carried out. Unit tests are provided for testing various test cases. Python libraries used are Numpy, Timeit, Unittest, Sklearn, Matplotlib.
Here classification on the tumor dataset is performed using Support Vector Machine. Tumor dataset has nine features and a binary output. Nine features correspond to measurements obtained from medical imaging data. The output labels are logic 1 or 0 and corresponds to the presence or absence of tumor
In this project, unsupervised learning is implemented with the help of python modules. Memory reduction is achieved using image compression via unsupervised learning algorithms.
SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. It is most commonly used in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. Here all the SQL queries are written using MySQL WorkBench. Used a big database consisting of many tables to perform operations using various SQL queries.
Successfully implemented Sentiment Analysis, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) task using TensorFlow, a Deep Learning framework on shallow Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) architecture
Python concepts can be best understood with the help of Jupyter Notebook
kedarvkunte's Repositories
Successfully collected, cleaned and analysed the time series data and used ARIMA model to forecast average temperature using and visualized the Temperature pattern using Python Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Statsmodels
Here classification on the tumor dataset is performed using Support Vector Machine. Tumor dataset has nine features and a binary output. Nine features correspond to measurements obtained from medical imaging data. The output labels are logic 1 or 0 and corresponds to the presence or absence of tumor
In this project, the state of the object is predicted using Bayesian Inference Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. For Data visualization, I used Matplotlib to correctly observe the Convergence to Stationary Distribution by plotting Histogram and Bar Charts. Successfully achieved low Mean Squared Error of 0.0003 for various test cases involving prior-posterior probability.
Successfully implemented Sentiment Analysis, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) task using TensorFlow, a Deep Learning framework on shallow Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) architecture
Successful SQL + Tableau Integration which provides insights into Business Intelligence with the help of SQL queries and visualizing the Data in Tableau to create Dashboard for Employees
SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. It is most commonly used in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. Here all the SQL queries are written using MySQL WorkBench. Used a big database consisting of many tables to perform operations using various SQL queries.
Python concepts can be best understood with the help of Jupyter Notebook
Successfully carried Exploratory Data Analysis with the help of Numpy module
The Gauss-Jordan Elimination and Ordinary Least Squares Linear Regression is carried out. Unit tests are provided for testing various test cases. Python libraries used are Numpy, Timeit, Unittest, Sklearn, Matplotlib.
Lectures for Udemy - INLP
A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
In this project, the inverse normal Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), Monte Carlo Expected Value have been implemented with the help of Python functions.
In this project, unsupervised learning is implemented with the help of python modules. Memory reduction is achieved using image compression via unsupervised learning algorithms.
My first python code
Debugging and Testing is carried out with the help of Python.
Tableau is an industry leading BI tool that focuses on data visualization, dashboarding and data discovery. It is great tool for visualizing data for the data scientists.
First Repository
TensorFlow is one of the powerful Deep Learning frameworks.
Resources for "Natural Language Processing" Coursera course.
Experiencing classes and objects in Python
TensorFlow implementation of "Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training"
Text Data is everywhere. It is important to get, clean and analyze the data and explore and model it using Natural Language Processing