
A task manager app frontend application -Refer to "get-things-done-spring-api" repo for the backend application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#This project is a personal todo list task manager utilizing React/ Redux on the frontend and Java/ Spring Boot (for the api)/ SQL on the backend

Frontend Features

Frontend application utilizes React as a SPA platform

No CSS Bootstrap has been uzed. All styling has been done with pure CSS/ SCC grid/ SASS

Redux has been used a global state management tool

React Hooks have been used for local state managment and lifecycle methods

Full CRUD functionalities has been implemented

Custom form validation with customized error messages

Sorting tasks per priority/ category and incrementing/ decrementing task priority

Rendering tasks by customized categories created by the user

Adding and removing categories

Conditional rendering of form to add/ edit

Authentication with 0Auth2

API Features

Models/ Controllers/ Services/ DAO's have been created with Spring Boot

MySql has been used to persist the data