
Assignment 1, Cloud Computing, CS6847, IIT Madras

Primary LanguagePython

The programs are written in python3 and AWS cloud is used for practicalexperiment purposes. 
ubuntu 18.04 free tier instances were used for the assignment purpose.

The program is run upon 3 different situations:
Local host
Singe instance server
Auto-Scalable server  (upto 4 instances)

The Virtual machine image contains the server.py program alongwith apache2 http response server, which helps pass health checks.

Client here sends UDP packets to Load Balancer at port 20000, at which the Load balancer is listening.
The received packets are targeted to healthy instances present at the port no 20001, on which the server program in binded to.

Note:- Due to running for about 20 minutes, the file rate\_5000 file is massive (>100 mb) and hence not attached with the submission.