
BriteVerify.com to verify active and current email listings. Should work in Joomla 2.5, 3.X and Nooku Server 12.X

Primary LanguagePHP

BriteVerify (com_briteverify)


The BriteVerify component serves in the backend CMS to use the services of BriteVerify.com to verify active and current emails. This of course is a paid for service, which assists webservers such as MoyoWeb's CCK running on Joomla and other CMSes that send bulk mails to mailing lists, such as the popular WordPress. When a bulk mail is generated, and it bounces off of non-existant emails, this increases the chance that a website will be blocked or black-listed from sending further emails. BriteVerify.com gives you the opportunity to run through your email-list and assure that all recipients are still active and valid, and thus, helps you avoid being black-listed.

This component was designed to assist the Cloudinary Component.

BriteVerify Component was developed by Moyo Web Architects.

  • Joomla 3.X . Untested in Joomla 2.5.
  • Koowa 0.9 or 1.0 (as yet, Koowa 2 is not supported)
  • PHP 5.3.10 or better
  • Composer
  • Moyo Components
    • no specific component but works for com_cloudinary



Installation is done through composer. In your composer.json file, you should add the following lines to the repositories section:

For this local repository:

    "name": "moyo/com_briteverify",
    "type": "joomlatools-installer",
    "url": "https://github.com/kedweber/com_briteverify.git"

or altertnatively from;

    "name": "moyo/com_briteverify",
    "type": "joomlatools-installer",
    "url": "https://github.com/moyoweb/com_briteverify.git"

The require section should contain the following line:

    "moyo/com_briteverify": "1.0.*",

Afterwards, one just needs to run the command composer update from the root of your Joomla project. This will effectively create a composer.lock file which will contain the collected dependencies and the hash codes for each latest release (depending on the require section's format) for each particular repo. Should installations problems occur due to a bad ordering of the dependencies, one may need to go into the lock file and manualy change the order of the components. Running composer update again will again cause a reordering of the lock file, beware of this factor when running an update. Thereafter, you can run the command composer install.

If you have not setup an alias to use the command composer, then you will need to replace the word composer in the previous commands with the commands with php composer.phar followed by the desired action (eg. update or install).


Another option is to run the jsymlink script in the root folder, available via the original Moyo developer, Joachim van de Haterd's repository, under the Moyo Git Tools.

License jsymlinker

The joomlatools/installer plugin is free and open-source software licensed under the GPLv3 license.