
sms sending app based on the twilio api

Primary LanguageRuby

#Texter This app allowes users to send texts using the Twilio API.

##Authors Anna Valkov and Keebz


You will need to create an account through Twilio. The basic free account will allow you to send texts(to verified numbers) through a phone number that Twilio provides you with.

In your terminal, clone the repo

Make sure you've installed postgres and have started the server:

$ postgres

###Insert your credentials from Twilio:

create a file called .env and fill it with the following information:

TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=*** inset your account sid number

TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=*** insert the auth token you were assigned

Install all the dependencies:

$ bundle install

Set up the databases on your local machine:

$ rake db:create
$ rake db:schema:load

Finally, start the rails server:

$ rails s

It should now be available at localhost:3000.

##License MIT