Table of Contents generated with DocToc
A script for managing states of EC2 instances and EKS clusters on AWS and getting info about published New Relic Lambda layers.
AWS CLI v2 must be installed and configured, like by running aws configure
jq must be installed.
eksctl must be installed for use with EKS.
unzip, xargs, and curl must also be available.
cs -v, --version Show version
cs --help Show this message
ec2 Manage EC2 instance states
eks Manage EKS node states
lambda List and download New Relic Lambda layers
Components and Args:
ec2 status
ec2 start|stop|restart|ssh <instanceId>
eks status
eks start <cluster> <number of nodes>
eks stop <cluster>
lambda list-layers [runtime]|[all] [region]
lambda download-layers [layer]|[all] [region] [build]|[latest] [extension]|[agent]
cs ec2 status
cs eks start my-cluster 2
cs lambda list-layers List layer names
cs lambda list-layers all Details for all layers
cs lambda list-layers nodejs18.x us-west-2 Details for a specific layer
cs lambda download-layers NewRelicNodeJS18X us-west-2 24 Download build #24 for a layer
cs lambda download-layers all us-west-2 latest extension Download all latest layers & show extension details
to your PATH. -
Verify it is in your path.
which cs cs --version
Run a command (see below examples).
get a list of instances and their IDs
cs ec2 start
start an instance
cs ec2 start <your-instance-id>
stop an instance
cs ec2 stop <your-instance-id>
get a list of cluster names
cs eks start
scale up an EKS node group to 2 nodes
cs eks start <your-cluster-name> 2
stop an eks node group (scale down to 0 nodes)
cs eks stop <your-cluster-name>
If leaving off the optional instanceId a list of instanceIds will be shown, but only those with a
tag."Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "your-ec2-instance-name" } ],
get a list of compatible runtimes
cs lambda list-layers
get a list of layer names
cs lambda download-layers
download all layers and stat extension release dates
cs lambda download-layers all us-west-2 latest extension
download all layers and stat agent release dates
cs lambda download-layers all us-west-2 latest agent
download a specific layer build
cs lambda download-layers NewRelicPython39 us-west-2 36
- If leaving off the optional compatibleRuntime, a list of compatible runtimes is obtained.
- If leaving off the optional region, the default region defined in your aws-cli is used.
- If leaving off the optional build, the latest build is downloaded.
- If leaving off the optional extension or agent, details for both will be displayed.
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with Bash version 5.1.16
You can download the latest releases here. The cs
file and its checksum are signed and can be verified against the developer's public PGP key.
Import the signing key:
gpg --import kmullaney.asc
Verify that the fingerprint for the downloaded key matches the following:
gpg --fingerprint
E67B C11C D9B3 EC3B 81B7 0C35 68BF EBFB 3C1B 8D5A
When verifying the checksum, use the long format (the short format is not secure). For example:
gpg --keyid-format long --verify SHA512SUMS.asc SHA512SUMS
Special thanks to NVM for inspiration.