Symfony 2 Blog
This is a simple blog written in Symfony 2, initially following the symblog tutorial at Through the mentorship of Matthew Turland, it has progressed into a more Service Oriented Architecture.
Since Symfony 2 has gained immense popularity in the PHP community, I wanted to explore the framework. As Symfony bundles are a large part of that ecosystem, I sought out bundled solutions wherever appropriate. Some of the bundles utilized, outside of the standard framework, include:
- FOS/RestBundle
- Ddeboer/GuzzleBundle
- JMS/SerializeBundle
Having never developed an application using SOA, this approach was decided to expose me to new approaches. The separation of front-end and back-end paves the way for future development excursions, including mobile app front-ends, or editor integration such as posting new articles.
Installation Instructions
git clone
php bin/vendors install
# To run the tests
phpunit -c apps