
Enbot in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


Enbot in Rust


    @rustybot [COMMAND]
    help     Print this message
    list     List active jobs
    stop/cancel [JOB_ID]     Cancel job
    monitor [URL]     Monitor URL until indexing is complete
    vonitor [URL]     Monitor URL until visindexing is complete
    konitor [URL]     Monitor URL until indexing is complete and stop instance
    kronitor [URL] -s/--size [SIZE]      Monitor URL until indexing is complete, stop and resize instance (default r5.2xlarge)
    status [URL]     Return URL indexer status and results
    ec2 info [URL/ID]    Get instance info
    ec2 start [URL/ID]    Start instance
    ec2 stop [URL/ID]    Stop instance
    ec2 resize [URL/ID] -s/--size [SIZE]     Resize instance (default r5.2xlarge)
    ec2 ls -f/--filter [KEY=VALUE] -l/--limit [NUM]     List instances with optional filters
    @rustybot list
    @rustybot stop 1234
    @rustybot status https://www.encodeproject.org/
    @rustybot monitor https://test.encodedcc.org/
    @rustybot vonitor https://encd-5745-a25e2d404-keenan.demo.encodedcc.org/
    @rustybot konitor https://sno-158-2dd8b5924-keenan.demo.encodedcc.org/
    @rustybot kronitor https://dev-84b292185-keenan.demo.encodedcc.org/
    @rustybot kronitor https://dev-84b292185-keenan.demo.encodedcc.org/ -s c5.4xlarge
    @rustybot ec2 info https://dev-84b292185-keenan.demo.encodedcc.org/
    @rustybot ec2 info i-02e86c27e5d31f8d1
    @rustybot ec2 start i-02e86c27e5d31f8d1
    @rustybot ec2 stop https://dev-84b292185-keenan.demo.encodedcc.org/
    @rustybot ec2 resize https://dev-84b292185-keenan.demo.encodedcc.org/
    @rustybot ec2 resize i-02e86c27e5d31f8d1 --size c5.9xlarge
    @rustybot ec2 ls --filter instance-type=t2.micro --limit 5
    @rustybot ec2 ls -f instance-type=t2.micro -f instance-state-name=running -l 3
    @rustybot ec2 ls -f tag:Name=dev-84b292185-keenan -f tag:started_by=keenan