
A starter project for using Bazel, C++, Google Test, and Github Actions

Primary LanguageStarlarkMIT LicenseMIT


A starter project for using Bazel and C++ and GTest.

It also includes a VSCode Dev / Docker Container for local development.

Build Source

 bazel build //...

Run Tests

bazel test //... --test_output=errors

Code Coverage

bazel coverage -s --instrumentation_filter "^//.*[/:]" --instrument_test_targets --experimental_cc_coverage --combined_report=lcov --coverage_report_generator=@bazel_tools//tools/test/CoverageOutputGenerator/java/com/google/devtools/coverageoutputgenerator:Main //...
genhtml --output genhtml "$(bazel info output_path)/_coverage/_coverage_report.dat"


Keenan Johnson is an electrical and software engineer with experience building IoT fleets of all shapes and sizes.

Reach out if you need help or are interested in hiring me as a consultant for your project.