
Step by step onboarding guide for the KeeperAI app

Onboarding Guide

This will provide a step by step guide to create a profile and describe how to interact with the KeeperAI features

Creating a KeeperAI Profile

  • Navigate to https://keeper-hr-test.web.app/

  • Click on "Sign up" to create an account.

  • Create an account by entering your name and email address and create a password.

  • After creating an account, continue to Create Profile

  • Begin the process of answering the 6 questions by pressing the "ADD CONTENT" button on "HAPPY PLACE"

  • In the search field, type the term that matches your answer to the question in the heading. You can choose to search images from Giphy or Google or you can drag your own image into the search field if you like

  • Once image is chosen, type a description of why you chose this image (up to 300 characters) and then click "SAVE"

  • Continue this same process with the remaining 5 questions. After completing the 6 questions click "NEXT" to be taken to the MY INFO page

  • On the MY INFO page fill in the fields with the appropriate information. The only required fields are "FULL NAME" and "BIRTHDAY". You can also upload a profile picture on this page. Once finished, click "NEXT"

  • The next page will take you to a summary of your six questions filled out. Here you can edit if you wish to change an answer or a picture. If everything looks good click "SAVE"

  • After clicking "SAVE" your profile will be sent to our AI engine where it will evaluate your answers. This process takes up to 30 seconds.

  • Congratulations! Your KeeperAI profile has been created! Now you can view the results by clicking VIEW INSIGHTS

Using KeeperAI Features

This section will explain how to interact with the KeeperAI platform features.


  • On the upper right side of the header there is a pull down menu on your name. Click it to expand the navigation menu and select a page.

My Vibe of the Day/Innovations

These features allow the user to add their Vibe and to share an Innovation with the team

  • Add a new Vibe or Innovation by clicking the purple button

  • In the search field enter a term that describes your vibe and choose a GIPHY or GOOGLE image that satisfies your Vibe.

  • Describe your Vibe in the text field provided (up to 300 characters) and click "SAVE"

  • You've posted a Vibe! Your previous vibes cann be viewed by clicking the white left or right arrows on the image.

Note: Adding an Innovation is the same process as adding a Vibe of the Day

Team Vibe/Team Innovation

These pages display the collected Vibes of the Day and Innovations from the entire team

  • To view Team Vibes or Team Innovations navigate to these pages from the menu or click the corresponding buttons under each feature

  • On these pages, you can view the entries from other team members and "like" them by clicking the heart on the entry

  • Innovations will be ranked by badges representing the number of "likes" received from the team (0-9: purple, 10-19: green, 20+ red)

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups are breakout groups where people can interact with eachother around a specific affinity

  • Navigate to the Affinity Groups page from the pulldown menu

  • On this page, you will find a number of groups that you can join. To join a specific group simply click the heart icon.

  • Click on the group to see Affinty Group members and to engage with group features.

  • Click on "Group Chat" to interact with members of this Affinity Group

  • To post within the group, click the "Start a post" button

  • Enter post in the text field provided. A photo can be added to the post by clicking the image icon

  • Click "Post" to share the post with the group

  • To edit or delete post, click the three dot icon in the upper right hand side

  • Users can like a post by clicking the "Like" button or comment by clicking the "Reply" button

Managing Your KeeperAI Account

This section describes how to edit your personal information (full name, email address) change your password, or delete your KeeperAI account

  • Using the dropdown Navigation menu, select "Account"

  • On this page, the user has the options of updating their Full Name and Email as well as an option to change password and to completely delete thier KeeperAI account
    • Note: once an account is deleted there is no option for recovering the account

Admin Features

This section will describe features available to an ADMIN level account

  • An ADMIN level account will have two additional sections in the navigation menu: Company Admin Profiles and Company Summary

Company Admin Profiles

On this page the admin has the ability to edit the company name and/or domain, upload/change the company logo and activate/deactivate company member accounts

  • The Company Name and the Company Domain can be changed by entering changes in the following fields and clicking "Save"

  • The admin can view the entire collection of company users and activate or deactivate any account by clicking the slider button:

Company Summary

On this page the admin can view a summary of the total number of company users, total number of Vibes and total number of Innovations. This is also where the admin will be able to pose a "Daily Question" to the members of the company

  • The Company Summary can be viewed from this page with links to specific sections by clicking the corresponding buttons

  • The Daily Question can be asked by clicking "Ask New Question"

  • Enter question into the field provided then press "Add Question"

  • This question will now be visible to company members when they visit their profile page.

  • Responses to the current question will be viewable by the admin under "Current Responses"

  • To view previously asked questions and responses click "Show Previous Questions" where they will be displayed in an accordion style menu