
egg template helper for creating controller, service and model

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Setup an egg project

install egg-init globally

  npm i egg-init -g

setup a TypeScript based project

npx egg-init --type=ts projectName
cd projectName && npm i
npm run dev

setup a JavaScript based project

egg-init --type simple projectName
cd projectName && npm i
npm run dev

For further details, please refer to https://github.com/eggjs/egg-init


  npm install egg-template-helper -g


  yarn global add egg-template-helper


$ eth -h

  Usage: eth [commands] [options]

    -v, --version            output the version number
    -h, --help               output usage information


    new [name] [options]     新建egg文件
    delete [name] [options]  删除egg文件
    rename [name] [options]  重命名egg文件

eth new

create files by the [name] and a specified type.

New Options

name type description
category string new file category
test boolean whether append test for controller / service / model

Available category

  • default: will create controller, service and model.
  • controller: will create a controller.
  • service: will create a service.
  • model: will create a model, the model depends on mongoose.

create controller / service / model

  eth new user --category default


  eth new user -c default

Actually the [name] parameter is a path relative to app/controller / app/service / app/model

In this example, it will create app/controller/user.ts, app/model/user.ts, app/service/user.ts.

create a sub directory controller / service / model

  eth new permission/role --category default


  eth new permission/role -c default

It will create app/controller/permission/role.ts, app/model/permission/role.ts, app/service/permission/role.ts.

eth delete

delete files associated with the [name]

  eth delete user

It will delete app/controller/user.ts, app/model/user.ts, app/service/user.ts.

eth rename

Rename Options

name type description
newPath string new path

rename files associated with the [name]

  eth rename user -n masterUser


  eth rename user -newPath masterUser

It will rename app/controller/user.ts, app/model/user.ts, app/service/user.ts to app/controller/masterUser.ts, app/model/masterUser.ts, app/service/masterUser.ts

It will also change the file content!!!

Once user renamed to masterUser, the app/controller/masterUser.ts content is changed.

import { Controller } from 'egg'

 * MasterUser Controller
 * @export
 * @class MasterUserController
 * @extends {Controller}
export default class MasterUserController extends Controller {


You can setup your own templates.


create an eth.config.json file under the project root.

name type default description
ext string ".ts" file extenision, you can specify ext to ".js" if you use JavaScript to develop egg project
templateDir string "" custom template path, relative to the project root
execEts boolean true execute egg-ts-helper after command executed. It will take effect when ext is ".ts"
renameContent boolean true rewrite file content when executing rename command
customData object {} pass custom data to custom template when executing new command


Let's customize a template and inject an author name by setting customData.


  "ext": ".ts",
  "templateDir": "template",
  "execEts": true,
  "renameContent": false,
  "customData": {
    "Author": "Dada"

directory structure

  ├── node_modules
  └── app
      ├── controller
      ├── model
      ├── service
      └── router.ts
  ├── template                          template directory
  |   ├── controller.test.tpl           controller test template
  |   ├── controller.tpl                controller template
  |   ├── model.tpl                     model template
  |   ├── service.test.tpl              service testtemplate
  └── └── service.tpl                   service template


import { Controller } from 'egg'

 * <%=pascalCaseName%> Controller
 * @author <%=Author%>
 * @export
 * @class <%=pascalCaseName%>Controller
 * @extends {Controller}
export default class <%=pascalCaseName%>Controller extends Controller {

There are four built in variables: name, pascalCaseName, testName, modelTestRootRelative

execute new command

  eth new user -c default

The content in app/controller/user.ts will like this:

import { Controller } from 'egg'

 * User Controller
 * @author Dada
 * @export
 * @class UserController
 * @extends {Controller}
export default class UserController extends Controller {