
An error extractor package for keepfy frontend apps

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Keepfy error extractor

A package that handles keepfy specific network & graphql errors for apollo clients


This package wraps all our logic around server error messages sent by keepfy backend, it maps network and graphql errors to a known format and dispatch it to sentry if needed.


yarn add @keepfy/error-extractor


When instantiating apollo client, use it on the error handler:

import * as KeepfyErrorExtractor from '@keepfy/error-extractor'
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client'

// ...
new ApolloClient({
    // ...
    onError: (error) => {
        const { type } =
        if(type === 'INVALID_SESSION'){
          // do redirect to login emit
    // ...



The package offers message suggestions (since not everyone will use the strings) separated you can easily get a suggestion like this:

import * as KeepfyErrorExtractor from '@keepfy/error-extractor'
import { ApolloError } from 'apollo-client'

// from apollo error response

   .catch((error: ApolloError) => {
        const { message } =
        // do something with the error .message

Auto handle for sentry

You can optionally send extracted errors to sentry.

import * as KeepfyErrorExtractor from 'keepfy-error-extractor'
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client'

const sentryForward = KeepfyErrorExtractor.forwardToSentry(Sentry)

// ...
new ApolloClient({
    // ...
    onError: (error) => {
        const { type, message } =
        sentryForward.captureIfNeeded(type, error)

        if(type === 'INVALID_SESSION'){
          // do redirect to login emit
    // ...


Errors will be sent if the package decides that is needed, for example, UNKNOWN_ERROR are sent to sentry but EMAIL_NOT_VERIFIED are not. You can always put your own logic around the captureIfNeeded call to ignore stuff too.

Note: the handler is made for us to be able to identify non mapped errors, so the sentry open issue has the gql operation name, and some details sent by backend, there's no need to send stack traces (for now).

Note 2: we do not depend on a specific sentry package, instead, we specify an adapter with the common sentry methods (available at the types file, look for SentryAdapter), so if your sentry passed to the forward call doesn't type check, just write your adapter for it.