Python module for interacting with ArkoseLabs' FunCaptcha
is the token you submit to the website once you solved the challenge- ArkoseLabs may enable the verification of IP addresses on your target website at any given time, thus requiring you to submit the token from the same IP address you solved it from
sudo apt install nodejs
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# on windows machines you'll also have to install the module pycryptodome
from py_funcaptcha import FunCaptchaSession
from random import randint
## Create session for Roblox's login endpoint
s = FunCaptchaSession(
## Obtain challenge
ch = s.new_challenge()
## Print challenge details
print("Full Token ::", ch.full_token)
print("Number of Images ::", len(ch.image_urls))
## Iterate over challenge images
## image is PIL.Image object
for image, submit in ch.get_iter():
## Generate random guess
guess = ch.angle * randint(1, 360/ch.angle)
## Submit guess
solved = submit(guess)
## Print final result
print("Solved ::", solved)