
Live Customer Service communication / chat tool.


Live Customer Service communication / chat tool.


-Designed with PHP pages that link to perl (cgi) chat pages. -Uses a mySQL database to store logged in users, admins and room numbers. -Uses php & file writing to store user logs, browser and os details collected. -Users perl script to save chatroom logs.

Chat Logs:

The chat logs are currently saved at, per account: http://www.mbase.com.au/~helpbase/cust_serv_chat/chat/$account/

Original chat code from:

BlueChat Copyright © 1999,2001 by Robert Fogt http://www.bluesparks.com/ webmaster@bluesparks.com

BlueChat is Free software. Use it at your own risk. You may use BlueChat in its unmodified form free of charge. If you modify BlueChat, please place a link to http://www.bluesparks.com/ somewhere on your site.

Note: The original BlueChat perl script has been taken back to very basics and therefore cannot be tied with the original script anymore. Therefore no risk of copyright.

-=>Basic Chat Setup<=-

Folder: cust_serv_chat -(directory 755) cust_serv_chat/chat -(chat directory 777)

Files included: -chat.cgi -main chat code -chatbar.cgi -user/customer chatbar -chatbar_a.cgi -admin chatbar

(Chmod all the cgi files 755)

NOTE: If the path to perl is not /usr/bin/perl then you will need to edit each of the cgi files and change the first line to your perl path.

NOTE: If your server requires cgi files to be located in your cgi-bin directory, you will have to do some additional setup. The chat directory cannot be inside the cgi-bin directory. So create the chat directory outside the cgi-bin directory and edit bc_chat.cgi and change the $chatpath and $chaturl variables to where the chat directory is.

-=>Basic Cust Serv PHP files Setup<=-

Folder: cust_serv cust_serv/images

Files included: -all files in the folder must be keep together. -images, there are a variety of required graphics here.


Login to accounts:

http://--your domain location--/cust_serv/ Username: as provided per account. Password: as provided per account. Use this area to customise color, logos, etc for an individual account.

Login to admin area, add users (accounts):

http://--your domain location--/cust_serv/add_login.phtml Username: admin Password: (check via WebMin)

Graphics and coding:

You can find a sample graphic here: http://www.mbase.com.au/~helpbase/cust_serv/images/live_support.gif (Use this as an idea of other graphics for other websites)


The following coding must go along with your graphic when placed into your web page.

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide the script from old browsers --
function openNewWin1() {
msgWindow=window.open('u_login.phtml?	account=**ACCOUNT**&location=**LOCATION**','Representative','toolbar= 0,location= 	0,status=0,menubar= 0,scrollbars= 0,resizable= 1,copyhistory= 1,width=250, height=300');
// finish hiding -->

a href="javascript:openNewWin1();"><img src="** URL TO GRAPHIC **" border="0" 	alt="** COMPANY / ACCOUNT NAME ** Live Customer Service"></a>

(Note: no breaks between continuing lines)

Fill in the blanks as required above: ACCOUNT = place the account name that is for this LiveSupport account.

LOCATION = put the page name or site location here (one word identifier). OPTIONAL, can leave blank.

** URL TO GRAPHIC ** = url to the graphic that was created to advertise on your site.

COMPANY / ACCOUNT NAME = Your company name or account name to highlight your company in the text description when mousing over the logo. Optional, can leave blank.

By: Nadia Kerr (formerly Nadia Lakatos) 15/03/2002