
Liquid template engine for Laravel

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Liquid template engine for Laravel

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This is a Laravel view integration of the Shopify Liquid template engine. It uses keepsuit/liquid PHP porting under the hood to parse liquid templates.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require keepsuit/laravel-liquid


  1. Create a liquid template file in resources/views folder (for example home.liquid).
  2. Render the template as usual with Laravel view engine.
class HomeController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return view('home');


This package provides some custom tags in addition to the standard Liquid tags.


Check if the user is authenticated. Same as laravel @auth directive.

{% auth %}
user is authenticated
{% endauth %}

{% guest %}
user is not authenticated
{% endguest %}

or with custom guard

{% auth('admin') %}
admin is authenticated
{% endauth %}

{% guest 'admin' %}
admin is not authenticated
{% endguest %}


Check if the application environment is the specified one. Same as laravel @env directive.

{% env 'production' %}
application is in production environment
{% endenv %}


Check if the session has a specific key. Same as laravel @session directive. The value of the session key can be accessed with the value variable.

{% session 'status' %}
<div class="p-4 bg-green-100">
  {{ value }}
{% endsession %}


Check if a validation error exists for the given field. Same as laravel @error directive. The error message can be accessed with the message variable.

{% error 'email' %}
<div class="text-red-500 text-sm">
  {{ message }}
{% enderror %}

Csrf field

Generate a hidden CSRF token form field. Same as laravel @csrf directive.

<form method="POST" action="/foo">
  {% csrf %}


Adds your vite assets to the template. Same as laravel @vite directive.

{% vite 'resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js' %}

{% comment %}With custom build directory{% endcomment %}
{% vite "resources/js/app.js", directory: "custom" %}


This package provides some custom filters in addition to the standard Liquid filters.


Debug variable content with dump and dd filters.

{{ variable | dump }}

{{ variable | dd }}


Translate a string with trans (or t alias) and trans_choice filters using the Laravel localization system.

{{ 'messages.welcome' | trans }}

{{ 'messages.items_count' | trans_choice: 3 }}


Generate urls using the laravel url helpers.

{{ 'app.js' | asset }}
{{ 'app.js' | secure_asset }}

{{ '/home' | url }}
{{ '/home' | secure_url }}

{{ 'home' | route }}


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.