
Scripts to generate static inventory file or generate dynamic inventory for ansible from Device42 data

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Device42 is a Continuous Discovery software for your IT Infrastructure. It helps you automatically maintain an up-to-date inventory of your physical, virtual, and cloud servers and containers, network components, software/services/applications, and their inter-relationships and inter-dependencies.

This repository has 2 different scripts that you can use with ansible.

  1. d42_ansible_inventory_hostfile.py can be used to create a static inventory file for ansible. You can group hosts by tags, customers, building or service level from Device42 data.
  2. d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py can be used to dynamically by ansible to get hosts from Device42 based on certain filters.


* This script works with Device42 and above


* python 2.7.x
* requests (you can install it with pip install requests or apt-get install python-requests)


* rename conf.sample to conf
* in conf add D42 URL/credentials
# ====== Device42 upload settings ========= #
D42_USER = 'device42 user'
D42_PWD = 'device42 password'
D42_URL = 'https:// device42 server IP address'
* in conf add Ansible group settings
# ====== Ansible settings ========= #
GROUP_BY = 'buildings' # tag, buildings, customer, service_level
EMPTY_TO_NONE = False # move empty groups to group 'None' otherwise not save
* in conf adjust log settings
# ====== Log settings ==================== #
LOGFILE = 'migration.log'
STDOUT = False  # print to STDOUT
DEBUG = True  # write debug log
DEBUG_LOG = 'debug.log'

Run the python d42_ansible_inventory_hostfile.py and enjoy!

Also you may use automatic version with Ansible commands ex.

ping :

ansible all -i d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py -m ping

copy ssh file :

ansible all -i d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py -m authorized_key -a "user=root key='ssh-rsa AAAA...XXX == root@hostname'"

modify file :

ansible all -i d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py -m lineinfile -a "dest=/etc/group regexp='^(users:x:100:)(.*)' line='\1ldapusername,\2' state=present backrefs=yes"

and much more! Please read Ansible docs.

If you have any questions - feel free to reach out to us at support at device42.com


* Script runs on Linux and Windows