
  • Used RFM method to calculate Recency, Frequency, Monetary to make a segmentation based on customer habits

  • Receny : How recently the customer made a transaction.

  • Frequency : How often the customer make transactions.

  • Monetary : How many transactions the customer has made.

  • Used Quartile statistical method to calculate the Individual RFM score

  • we have assigned scores from 1 to 4.

  • 4 being the highest and best, while 1 being the lowest.

  • Used K-Means Clustering unsupervised Technique to cluster the customers depend on their habits

  • K-Means Clustering is an unsupevised machine learning algorithm that uses multiple iterations to segment the unlabeled data points into k different clusters.

  • For k_means clustering to give best result the followings conditions should be met:

  1. Data distribution must not be skewed.
  2. Data is standardised
  • used Elbow method to find the optimum number of clusters.
  • Then used Davies Bouldin and silhouetter score to evaluate the model and optimise the k value.