Recurrence Relations Website


This project is a website designed to help students understand recurrence relations, a fundamental concept in mathematics and computer science. The website offers explanations, examples, and a visual tool to generate recurrence trees, providing a hands-on approach to learning.


  • Comprehensive Content: Detailed explanations of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous recurrence relations.
  • Visual Tree Generator: A tool to visualize the structure of recurrence relations, helping users grasp complex concepts more easily.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Clean and intuitive design, ensuring a seamless learning experience.


  • Basics: An introduction to recurrence relations with examples and definitions.
  • Introduction: A deeper dive into the general form and classification of recurrence relations.
  • Homogeneous Recurrence Relations: Detailed information on relations where each term is a function of the preceding terms.
  • Non-Homogeneous Recurrence Relations: Exploration of recurrence relations that include additional independent functions.
  • Recurrence Relation Tree Generator: A tool to visualize different recurrence relations and their corresponding trees.

Getting Started

To explore the content and use the recurrence tree generator, simply navigate through the sections provided in the website.


  • A modern web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)


No installation is required. This is a static website that can be hosted on any web server or viewed locally by opening the index.html file in your browser.


  1. Navigate through Sections: Use the navigation bar to explore the different sections of the website.
  2. Generate Recurrence Trees: Go to the "Recurrence Relation Tree Generator" section, choose your relation, input parameters, and generate the corresponding tree.
  3. The relations focused for visualization:
    1. T(n) = T(n-x) + a0
    2. T(n) = T(n-x) + T(n-y)

Project Structure

  • index.html: The main landing page with introductory content.
  • styles.css: The stylesheet defining the visual style of the website.
  • script.js: JavaScript file handling the interactive features of the website.
  • assets/: Directory containing images and other media used in the website.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss potential improvements.