
A Raspberry Pi-based IoT temperature monitoring solution with a web frontend

Primary LanguagePython

Tempberry Pi

This project documents a IoT temperature monitoring solution that is built on a combination of technologies.

  1. A Raspberry Pi to record temperatures and to trigger email alerts if temperatures reach certain levels.
  2. A PHP script that collects temperature readings
  3. JavaScript that formats the colleted readings and makes them available via a webpage.

Temperature only

The output looks like


This project is based on the Adafruit tutorial at https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-11-ds18b20-temperature-sensing/hardware.


The hardware is predominately based on the Raspberry Pi and the DS18B20 temperature sensor. The full breakdown of components that I used is:

  • Raspberry Pi 2
  • Pi Cobbler Breakout and Cable
  • DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor
  • 4k7 Ohm resistor
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires

Follow the instructions in the tutorial linked to above to hook up all the components. The good folks at Adafruit did an excellent job describing the layout, so I am not going to reproduce it here.

Client-side software

The client-side software conists of two Python scripts. The first, sens_temp.py, collects the temperature readings from the sensor, and the second one, trigger.py, adds it to the log file and pushes it out to a web server. The script is called via a cronjob that I have set to run every minute.

Server-side software

The server-side software is nothing more than a PHP script. It used Google Charts to generate the visuals. Full details about Charts can be found at https://developers.google.com/chart/.

For the script to work properly, it needs to be able to write to two files: temp_now.txt, which will contain the latest temperature reading, and temp_history.csv, which will contain readings of up to the previous 24 hours.

Temperature and humidity

The output looks like


This project is based on the Adafruit tutorial at https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-humidity-sensor-dht22/.


The hardware is predominately based on the Raspberry Pi and the DS18B20 temperature sensor. The full breakdown of components that I used is:

  • Raspberry Pi 2
  • Pi Cobbler Breakout and Cable
  • DHT22 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • 4k7 Ohm resistor
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires

Follow the instructions in the tutorial linked to above to hook up all the components. The good folks at Adafruit did an excellent job describing the layout, so I am not going to reproduce it here.

Client-side software

The client-side software consists of a Python script. The script is called sens_temp_humidity.py and it collects the readings from the sensor and pushes them out to a web server. The script is called via a cronjob that I have set to run every five minutes.

Server-side software

The server-side software is nothing more than a PHP script. It used Google Charts to generate the visuals. Full details about Charts can be found at https://developers.google.com/chart/.

For the script to work properly, it needs to be able to write to two files: /var/temperature/temp_now.txt, which will contain the latest readings, and /var/temperature/temp_history.csv, which will contain readings of up to the previous 24 hours.