
Cache related posts with Ajax for the Related Posts by Taxonomy plugin

Primary LanguagePHP

Related Posts by Taxonomy Cache

A persistent Cache layer settings page for the Related Posts by Taxonomy plugin. It caches related posts in batches with Ajax.

For more information see the cache documentation

Version: 2.7.4
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 5.5

You can only cache posts if the version of this plugin is the same as the version of the Related Posts by Taxonomy plugin. If you want to use it with other versions you'll have to set the version here. Be aware that using it with older versions it could result in errors as some functions might not exist.

The settings page for this plugin is at Settings -> Related Posts by Taxonomy.


Cache posts or flush the cache with WP-CLI commands.

Example flushing the cache

wp rpbt-cache flush

Example caching all posts from the post type events

wp rpbt-cache cache all --post_types=events

Use wp rpbt-cache cache --help to see what parameters are available.

Settings Page

Settings Page

Progress Bar

progress bar