
Continuing the development of Mozilla BrowserQuest

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Build Status

BrowserQuest is a HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment.

It has three major parts:

  • the server side, which runs using Node.js
  • the client side, which runs using javascript in your browser
  • the database side, which runs using Redis

Browser Support

  • Firefox - Works well.
  • Chrome - Works well.
  • Chromium - Works well.
  • Safari 6.x - Background music doesn't play. Everything else works well.
  • Opera - Doesn't work, no WebSocket support.
  • IE 10.x - Doesn't work. Other versions untested.

How to get it going

Getting the server up and running is pretty easy. You need to have the following installed:

  • Node.js ← versions 0.6.x-0.10.x work.
  • gcc-c++ ← optional. Not needed on windows.
  • GNU make ← optional. Not needed on windows.
  • Memcached ← optional. This is needed to enable metrics.
  • zlib-devel ← this is the Fedora/RHEL package name, others may be sightly different. Not needed on windows.
  • Redis server ← this is needed for the game to connect to the backend database.

Clone the git repo:

$ git clone git://github.com/browserquest/BrowserQuest.git
$ cd BrowserQuest

Then install the Node.js dependencies by running:

$ npm install -d

Then start the server by running:

$ node server/js/main.js

The BrowserQuest server should start, showing output like this:

$ node server/js/main.js
This server can be customized by creating a configuration file named: ./server/config_local.json
[Thu Sep 13 2012 17:16:27 GMT-0400 (EDT)] INFO Starting BrowserQuest game server...
[Thu Sep 13 2012 17:16:27 GMT-0400 (EDT)] INFO world1 created (capacity: 200 players).
[Thu Sep 13 2012 17:16:27 GMT-0400 (EDT)] INFO world2 created (capacity: 200 players).
[Thu Sep 13 2012 17:16:27 GMT-0400 (EDT)] INFO world3 created (capacity: 200 players).
[Thu Sep 13 2012 17:16:27 GMT-0400 (EDT)] INFO world4 created (capacity: 200 players).
[Thu Sep 13 2012 17:16:27 GMT-0400 (EDT)] INFO world5 created (capacity: 200 players).
[Thu Sep 13 2012 17:16:27 GMT-0400 (EDT)] INFO Server (everything) is listening on port 8000

That means its working. There should not be any warnings or errors.

Using a browser, connect to port 8000 of the server entered above. The BrowserQuest start page should appear, and the game should work.

Mac OS X

Node.js, Memcached, and Redis installed through Homebrew are known to work:

$ brew install node redis memcached
$ ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/redis/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist
$ git clone git://github.com/browserquest/BrowserQuest.git
$ cd BrowserQuest
$ npm install -d
$ node server/js/main.js

Or you can download the latest Redis source from http://redis.io/download

$ tar xzf redis-<version>.tar.gz
$ cd redis-<version>
$ make

To start Redis now, you can simply run:

$ src/redis-server

You can try interacting with it by starting another terminal and typing:

$ redis-<version>/src/redis-cli
redis> set foo bar
redis> get foo

Node.js, Memcached, and Redis for Fedora 16+ and RHEL/CentOS/SL 6.x

On Fedora 16+ and RHEL/CentOS/SL 6.x, you can install Redis (required) and Memcached (optional) using yum.

For just RHEL/CentOS/SL 6.x, you need to add the EPEL repo first. Not needed for Fedora:

$ sudo rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

Then install Node.js and everything else needed:

$ sudo yum install zlib-devel gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake make redis nodejs npm memcached
$ sudo chkconfig redis on
$ sudo chkconfig memcached on

Start Redis and Memcached by running:

$ sudo service redis start
$ sudo service memcached start

Now continue on with the normal steps to clone the BrowserQuest git repo, and start up BrowserQuest:

$ git clone git://github.com/browserquest/BrowserQuest.git
$ cd BrowserQuest
$ npm install -d
$ node server/js/main.js


Windows 8 is known to work ok with just the base Node v0.8.18 installed, without Visual Studio, nor Python, nor the native extensions for npm modules installed.

You can download an experimental Win32/64 version of Redis from here: http://redis.io/download

You can download the latest version of Memcached for Win32/64 from here: http://blog.elijaa.org/index.php?post/2010/10/15/Memcached-for-Windows&similar

Deploying BrowserQuest

Currently, BrowserQuest can run on the following PAAS (Platform as a Service) providers:

Instructions for OpenShift

  1. Follow the instructions to get started with the OpenShift client tools here.

  2. Create a new application by running this command:

     $ rhc app create <app-name> nodejs-0.6
     $ cd <app-name>

    where <app-name> is the name of your app, e.g. browserquest.

  3. Add the Redis cartridge (necessary for BrowserQuest to be able to store data) with the following command:

     $ rhc add-cartridge \
       http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart \
       --app <app-name>
  4. Add the BrowserQuest repository, and pull its contents with the following commands:

     $ git remote add github https://github.com/browserquest/BrowserQuest.git
     $ git fetch github
     $ git reset --hard github/master
  5. Now, deploy to OpenShift with one final command (this will take several minutes):

     $ git push -f

Congratulations! You have now deployed BrowserQuest to Openshift! You can see the url of your instance by running

$ rhc app show <app-name>

Visit the url shown by the above command to see BrowserQuest running. You will need to add ":8000" to the end. Use the url below as a guide:



Lots of useful info on the wiki.

Mailing List

The mailing list for development is at browserquest@librelist.com. (archives)

To subscribe, just send an email to that address. Your initial email will be dropped, but will start the subscription.

IRC Channel

#browserquest on irc.synirc.net


Code is licensed under MPL 2.0. Content is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.


Originally created by Little Workshop:

All of the music in BrowserQuest comes from Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) sources.

Many other people are contributing through GitHub: