Termination Competition Web Interface

This is a light-weight StarExec presenter using PHP.


The registration procedure is as follows.

  1. Register at StarExec:
    1. Join the Termination Community: Please provide sufficient information so that the organizer can identify you, and be convinced that you will use StarExec for research related to termination.
    2. Upload your solver and remember configuration ids.
  2. Edit Y20XX/info.php, where 20XX is the current year, so that a line
         'Tool' => 1234,
    is in the 'participants' component of the category you participate, where Tool is replaced by a short name of your tool and 1234 by the configuration id. Then please make pull request.
  3. If your tool has participated in the previous year, please remove the comment lines
        // 'Tool' => 1234,
    for your last year's configuration.